Agrolearn Set to Revolutionize the Agriculture Sector through Digital Technology, Education and Job Creation

On the 9th of June, 2023, Agrolearn took a momentous step towards revolutionising the agriculture sector. We launched our cutting-edge e-learning platform. This initiative is a crucial component of our company’s vision to empower students, recent graduates, agripreneurs, agricultural enthusiasts, and local farmers with the skills they need to excel in this field, while creating gainful employment opportunities within the agriculture sector.

Our strategy is simple, yet impactful. We provide training to enthusiastic learners, transforming them into proficient agrolearners. Following this, we arrange for their internships, allowing them to refine their skills, build upon them, and reach their full potential.

At Agrolearn, we firmly believe that our mission will fill a significant gap in the agriculture sector. Our efforts aim to combat food waste, alleviate poverty for millions, boost our nation’s GDP, and drive economic prosperity.

Having built my own career in agriculture from the ground up, I’ve witnessed the sector’s challenges firsthand. I’ve seen my colleagues grapple with similar issues. Those of us who make up the mere 2% of agriculture graduates venturing into agribusiness careers have faced the stark reality of a field stifled by a knowledge gap and a scarcity of green jobs.

But I stand here with a vision. A vision that, with the support of government bodies, non-governmental organisations, international agencies, and the private sector, we can create a world where Africa is self-sufficient. A world where the next generation of African agrarian leaders can not only own green jobs but also create them.

Agrolearn is about embracing technology to engage our youth in agriculture. It’s about showing them that a greener future is not just a possibility, but a reality waiting to be shaped.

In conclusion, let me quote American inventor and businessman, Thomas Edison, who once said, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Here at Agrolearn, we see opportunity dressed in overalls, and we are not afraid to work for it.

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